Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Social Media Justice & The Jodi Arias Trial

I continue to follow the Jodi Arias/Travis Alexander trial and participate in a Facebook group and Twitter feeds concerning news and updates about the trial. I'll save my political and legal rants for another time (or check out my editorial-based blog to read my updates and feedback about the trial).

As someone who assists clients with their online reputation and brand management via social media, social media plays an integral role in this trial. There are many Facebook groups - both for and against - Jodi Arias and many in support of the victim, Travis Alexander. When I want to find the latest information about the trial, I log into my Twitter and Facebook group. You can find the live stream of the trial online and news sources blog live updates throughout the day. The trial is literally at your virtual social media fingertips.

I wonder if any news about the trial has leaked to the jury? It seems like they literally cannot have any form of technology with him because you can find any and all information online. Were their phones confiscated? I know that they are sequesteredm but how cut off are from the rest of the virtual world?

But where there is heat comes fire with a high profile murder case. The lawyers, Alexander and his family, and Arias herself have been bashed in social media posts. Opinions are what makes up social media, and depending on how you view the trial, social media could either help or hurt (or both) in the Travis Alexander trial.

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Therese Pope, Copywriter/Content Developer & Digital Buzz-icist

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