If you don't have a website or plan to design a website in the near future, it's important to incorporate SEO (search engine optimization) into your site. If you don't know anything about SEO or how to build SEO into your site, hire a web designer who specializes in SEO or a SEO expert.
SEO is how you get your website ranked in the search engines such as Google and Yahoo - also known as organic searches.
Here are a few SEO tips you can incorporate into your web sites:
- Use keyword rich words in your content. Use keyword trackers to find out how people search for information on Google. It pays to do some research with your keywords and remember not to make your keywords too complicated. Research your target markets and figure out how your site visitors search for key words and phrases.
- Avoid "black hat" techniques such as keyword stuffing. Don't fill your sites/content with so many keywords that it doesn't make any sense. Use keywords sparingly and don't make your site sound like "spam."
- Make sure to add keywords to title tags so spider bots can track in search engines. Treat your title tag like you would a headline. The title tag describes your page.
- Don't use the same keywords for every title page on your website. This might stop your pages from getting ranked because the bots will think that the pages are all the same (a no-no with the search engines)
- Make sure that the keywords in your title tags correspond to the content within your site.
- A few easy SEO tricks to remember when writing content - add keywords at the beginning of articles and include in sub-headers. It also helps to add keywords at the end of the articles as well.
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