These five easy online marketing tips will help you get started with your personal training and fitness business. It doesn't matter if you are a newbie instructor or have years of fitness experience under your belt, you need to jump on board and use online tools and social media to your advantage.
1. Create a Facebook page - First, sign up for Facebook (if you don't have an account) and create a Facebook page. Make sure you don't create a Group. You want to create a professional business page on Facebook. Invite your friends to sign up or pass along to your students and clients who are on Facebook. Make sure you connect to everyone you know but remember don't spam everyone either.
2. Interact on fitness-related Facebook pages - Search for other personal training and fitness sites. For example, if you are a yoga instructor connect with other local yoga networks or instructors in your area. If you work for a gym or fitness center, like their page and ask permission from the owners/managers if you can promote your classes on their page (if they don't market your classes already).
3. Join LinkedIn and start networking - Are you a personal fitness trainer who works exclusively with stressed-out business professionals? Think outside the box. Join LinkedIn and look for groups that are in need of personal training/fitness instructors. It also helps to join industry fitness and health groups on LinkedIn. This is a great way to share and swap marketing ideas. Just remember to be courteous and professional when interacting on LinkedIn groups.
4. Post on Twitter - Twitter is another great social media platform to cross promote your classes and personal training services. Use hashtags, especially if you want to catch the attention of local people who'd be interested in what you have to offer.
5. Search online for guest blogging and interview opportunities - One of the best ways to promote yourself online is to share your fitness expertise. Use social media to network or conduct a Google search to find health and fitness-related guest blogger opportunities. Sign up for Help a Reporter Out. Reporters and freelance writers are always looking for fitness experts for their stories. If you have a specific fitness niche, this will make you even more marketable.
Word-of-mouth marketing will only get you so far so start spreading the word about your fitness business online. Best of luck! If you need more helpful hints and tips, please search my past blog posts that go into more detail about social media marketing and online reputation tips.